AntiHarassement Policy
AntiHarassement Policy
This Policy supports GEESYS’S commitment to zero-tolerance on harassment of nay nature. Harassment based upon an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other legally protected characteristics will not be tolerated. All employees, including supervisors and other management personnel, are expected and required to abide by this policy. No person will be adversely affected in employment with the employer as a result of bringing complaints of unlawful harassment. All employees are entitled to respectful treatment at the workplace and to be free from the demoralizing effects of harassment or unwelcome, offensive or improper conduct.

Harassment is defined as any offensive, inappropriate, unwelcome or even inadvertent behaviors that has the effect of hurting, offending, or upsetting another employee, that sets up an employee to make a mistake, that humiliates or intimidates an employee (“bullying”) or that entails physical or social isolation (“silent treatment”) of an employee. It typically involves the misuse of power; considering that “power” does not always mean being in a position of authority, but can include either personal strength or power to coerce through fear or intimidation. This offensive behavior negatively affects the dignity, psychological or physical integrity of the targeted employee and results in a negative workplace. It may be related but not limited to race, sex, national origin, religion, political opinion, age, medical status, disability, gender, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or gender identity. Either a repeated but also a one-off incident of serious behavior can constitute harassment if this behavior is detrimental and results in any adverse effects for the employee. The Company prohibits any conduct which contributes to an intimidating or offensive workplace and/or interferes with a person’s ability to perform their job.
Harassment can take on various forms such as:
- Threats, blackmail, coercion
- Sabotage of work
- Abusive language, verbal or written
- Abuse of authority or power
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual conduct (physical, visual, verbal or written) which affects an individual’s dignity and creates an intimidating, hostile or uncomfortable working environment.
'Employee' shall mean and include any person on the active payroll of the Company including managers and workers, those on deputation, contract, temporary, part time, apprentices, trainees or working as consultants.
This anti-harassment policy defines “workplace” as anywhere where employees are conducting business on the Company’s behalf. This includes, but is not limited to, conducting business in person on GEESYS premises, on the phone, virtually, or through email or other social media and/or during after-hours events such as, but not limited to, business meetings, dinners, trainings, and during work-related travel.

Employees’ role and responsibilities
Every employee is expected to treat others with respect and ensure that their own behavior does not cause offence or give rise to misunderstandings. It is every employee’s responsibility to do their best to ensure a positive workplace and build inclusive teams. Employees are encouraged to advise others of behavior that is unwelcome or offensive. Often, some behaviors are not intentional. While this does not make it acceptable, advising the offender of inappropriate behavior gives the offender the opportunity to modify or stop their offensive behavior. An employee who believes that they have been harassed should:
- File a complaint and obtain a review of their complaint through the complaint process established in accordance with this Policy. They will be
- Kept informed throughout the process, subject to applicable legislation;
- Protected against retaliation.
Managers’ role and responsibilities
Managers must ensure to provide a safe working environment for their team members. This should be achieved by:
- Building inclusive teams by treating everyone with respect and trust;
- Putting an end to any harassment they are aware of, whether there is a complaint or not;
- Ensuring their team members are not retaliated against for a prior complaint.
Failing to take corrective measures with regards to any behavior violating this Policy that managers are aware of may result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions, up to and including termination, being imposed upon themselves as well as the offender.
Witnesses’ role and responsibilities
It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure they respect the right of their fel low employees to work in a workplace free of any harassment
- Any person who believes that they have witnessed a violation of this Policy, or who becomes aware of conduct that may violate this Policy, should immediately report it through the complaint mechanism of the Company.
- Any employee who knew about the harassment but took no action to report it may also be subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to and including termination.

Reporting Mechanisms & Complaint Procedure
If an employee considers that they are being harassed they should seek support among the proposed ways below. Employees may choose the one they find most suitable to their specific situation:
Reporting to Management
If any employee believes they have been or are being subjected to conduct that violates this Policy, they should bring it to the attention of their manager.
Reporting to HR
If the Employee does not feel comfortable raising the issue to their manager, either because of an existing or potential conflict of interest or because of the fear of retaliation, they should report the matter to their Human Resources Representative.
Confidentiality & Protection Against Retaliation
GEESYS strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports violations of this Policy or participates in an investigation, even if the investigation does not ultimately prove the concerns. Dishonest, bad faith, or otherwise abusive reports (such as false personal attacks aimed at specific individuals) are prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.