Risk Management
Risk Management
GEESYS is strengthening its risk management to maximize corporate value and minimize the potential impact of risks.
- Basic Policy on Risk Management
- Risk Management system and process
- Major Risks
- Strengthening Our Business Continuity Capabilities
- Information Security Measures
- Measures to Prevent Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
Basic Policy on Risk Management
Based on the GEESYS Risk Management Rules, the Company manages risk in a coordinated, systematic manner. We will practice appropriate management and counter various risks that could affect the Company’s management in order to prevent risks from materializing (crisis situations), thereby minimizing the impact on management in the event that risks materialize.

Risk Management System and Process
Risk Management System
GEESYS’s business divisions and affiliated companies are responsible for managing risk related to their business activities as a part of their business duty, developing appropriate risk management systems, and implementing risk countermeasures. Additionally, significant risks, such as those related to business plans and large-scale investments, are reported at the Executive Committee as appropriate to facilitate the sharing of information. The internal auditing divisions conduct regular audits to confirm whether or not risk management is being properly performed at each business division and affiliated company.
Risk Management Process
When annual budgets are formulated, business divisions and affiliated companies understand and evaluate risks related to their business activities. Policies and countermeasures in response to risks (aversion, mitigation, relocation, retention, and so forth) are considered based on their impact on management and frequency of occurrence, and each division and affiliated company appoints a person in charge of policy and countermeasure execution. We also conduct mid-year progress checks at the end of the second quarter of each fiscal year to improve and effectively implement risk countermeasures.
Major Risks
GEESYS prepares Risk Management Sheets for each business division and affiliated company to help them address risks. Currently, the major risks that may affect GEESYS’s business performance and financial position
Strengthening Our Business Continuity Capabilities
In order to uphold its social responsibilities as a company, GEESYS aims to continue core operations even if natural disasters, accidents, and other unexpected events occur by providing a stable supply of high-performance, high quality products and services required by its customers.
- Fire safety and disaster-preparedness initiatives
- Procurement BCP
- IT risk reduction
- Responding to COVID-19
Information Security Measures
To protect confidential and personal information properly, GEESYS has formulated and is implementing a policy and regulations related to information security with consideration for the laws of relevant countries. We have also established information management systems in each Group company and instituted various safety protocols, including operational site access and information access management systems. Meanwhile, we endeavor to prevent information leaks while maintaining and strengthening information security by instituting annual training programs for employees and conducting inspections and improvements through effective management and audits of workplaces.
Measures to Prevent Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
As part of our intellectual property activities, we employ a system to monitor other companies’ patents on a daily basis to prevent any inadvertent infringement of patents held by third parties. To prevent infringement, we also conduct compliance program training. We also conduct compliance training for employees as part of our effort to prevent infringements. With respect to our own technologies, we actively acquire patent rights to protect our business. GEESYS continues to address overseas intellectual property issues and implement measures against counterfeit products to minimize business risks related to intellectual property