Communicating with Employees
Communicating with Employees
- Approach to Communicating with Employees
- Implementing Employee Opinion Surveys
- Labor-Management Communication
Approach to Communicating with Employees
We believe that an open and positive environment and lively communication are two key elements in realizing a comfortable and pleasant workplace that supports a diverse employee base. Communication, in particular, is the springboard for every possible corporate activity. With this in mind, GEESYS is endeavoring to invigorate workplace communication.

Implementing Employee Opinion Surveys
By continuously conducting initiatives that respect employees’ desires and remain receptive toward their comments, GEESYS is committed to creating a workplace environment that allows its employees to make the most of their capabilities. The survey was designed to ascertain employees’ satisfaction with the company in terms of management policies, enthusiasm toward work, workplace teamwork, work-life balance and other aspects. The survey in FY 2019 showed that 74.6% of employees were satisfied with working at GEESYS, and this is one our strengths. The results of the survey are reported to executive management, broke down to each organization and fed back to the heads of each division and representatives of subsidiaries so that they can be used to improve issues.
we have been working to improve the level of workplace management by visualizing medium-term career goals and sharing them with supervisors and subordinates, while increasing the level of line management skills. As a result, our fiscal 2019 survey showed improvements in areas related to communication between supervisors and subordinates. Furthermore, GEESYS’s labor union conducts worksite surveys of all union members and management-level employees to gain an understanding of their perspectives on and expectations for corporate management, workplace environments, and work.
Labor-Management Communication
Basic Stance toward Labor-Management Relations
GEESYS strives to build robust labor-management relations upon a foundation of mutual trust and responsibility, with an emphasis on dialogue. This basic stance reflects our awareness of the need to realize corporate development while maintaining fair labor terms and conditions and enhancing employee living standards. Management and the labor union conclude labor agreements on mutual respect for the rights of management and the rights of employees, the labor union’s involvement in management and other aspects of operations.
Systems of Labor Management Conferences
GEESYS and the labor union have established a Management Council in order to achieve mutual understanding between management and labor through sharing and discussion of management issues. The Management Council meets once every six months. Meetings serve as forums for sharing details of the Company’s performance and discussing issues arising in business operations. Business group- and business site-level labor management conferences have been established as subordinate organizations to the Management Council to discuss specific issues that are pertinent to each division. Furthermore, various discussions are conducted in meetings for labor-management discussions with the aim of maintaining or improving labor conditions.
- Matters related to standards for wages, work hours, retirement benefits, etc.
- Matters related to occupational health and safety and welfare policies
- Matters related to relocations, etc. accompanying business restructuring
Formation of a Labor Union
Each subsidiary’s employees are organizes the individual labor union, so that individual management issues and labor conditions relating to the individual subsidiary can be discussed between its management and labor.
Solutions Moving Forward through Labor-Management Discussions
Based on labor agreements, when there are actions such as a business restructure or change in labor conditions or some other case that is likely to have a significant impact on employees’ remuneration, or matters important to both labor and management, issues are discussed in advance to reach agreements that reflect the opinions and requests of both sides. In fiscal 2019, we held labor-management discussions on overall work styles, especially support for family and nursing care. We also held discussions aimed at creating environments where employees receiving medical treatment can continue working with peace of mind. Through these efforts, we are working to expand and upgrade our work-leave system. We also confirmed that labor and management will continue promoting discussions and initiatives to reduce overtime work, improve uptake of paid leave, and develop more flexible work styles with a view to the future.