Respect for Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights
As a diversified, global company with growth in emerging markets, and as a provider of infrastructure around the world, GEESYS regularly confronts complex human rights challenges.
- Basic Human Rights Awareness Policy
- Promotion Structure for Human Rights Awareness
- Promoting Respect for Human Rights

Basic Human Rights Awareness Policy
In its Code of Conduct , GEESYS pledges to “respect and value all people,” clearly stating that GEESYS and its employees will respect basic human rights in their relationships with employees of the Company and with all other people.The GEESYS Code of Conduct was revised in fiscal 2019 based on international human rights standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The revision clearly states our commitment to ensuring that the Company is never involved in or complicit in human rights violations. More detailed guidelines are delineated in the Policy for Human Rights of the Employees.
GEESYS’s Policy for Human Rights of the Employees has been translated into four languages and introduced at operating bases around the world and posters promoting this policy are created and displayed at business sites. Moreover, we take precautions to avoid child labor when performing hiring at overseas bases by requiring applicants to submit multiple official documents proving their age.
Promotion Structure for Human Rights Awareness
In fiscal 2020, we established the SDGs Promotion Committee, chaired by the general manager of the President’s Office and consisting also of the executive officers in charge of the environment, the executive officer in charge of human resources, and executive officers in charge of each business field. The committee meets twice a year. We also established the Human Rights and Human Resources Empowerment Subcommittee as a permanent subcommittee of the SDGs Promotion Committee. The role of the subcommittee is to discuss and evaluate policies and measures for incorporating respect for human rights into management policies, as well as gender equality and raising job satisfaction.
Human rights promotion committees are also established at various business sites and domestic subsidiaries, creating a framework that promotes the utmost respect for human rights.
Promoting Respect for Human Rights
Systems to Ensure Human Rights of the Employees
Based on the Policy for Human Rights of the Employees, GEESYS is developing frameworks to ensure respect for the human rights of everyone working at the Company and at its domestic and overseas subsidiaries and to facilitate human rights due diligence to ensure that the rights of everyone connected to its business activities are respected. ・Human Rights Promotion and Human Resources Empowerment Subcommittee shares information regarding human rights issues throughout the Company and formulates and implements Companywide policies and measures. ・The human rights promotion committees at business sites and subsidiaries are chaired by the head of the business site or the officer responsible for human rights while the head of the general affairs division serves as the secretariat. ・Committees meet twice each year (during the first and second halves of each year), in principle, to review the progress of activities based on annual action policies and to discuss and draft measures for addressing specific issues. ・Human rights consultation venues are established on an individual company and business site basis, and steps are taken to make employees aware of these venues.
Preventing Harrasement
GEESYS’s Policy for Human Rights of the Employees prohibits all forms of harassment. We have also established the Guidelines to Prevent Sexual Harassment, made human rights representatives at all business sites aware of these guidelines, and set up human rights consultation desks at major business sites of Group companies that can be used for consultations regarding all human rights issues. In addition, the Business Ethics Helpline System exists as a venue for consultation via telephone or email that is separate from standard lines of operation. Furthermore, clauses describing disciplinary methods that may be taken in relation to harassment are included in employment regulations, and regular e-learning programs are held on the subject of harassment.
Engaging in Employee Human Rights Education and Training
GEESYS conducts an array of courses to raise employee awareness toward human rights.Training for managers was conducted in a workshop format using SDG targets with the aim of helping them realize a sustainable society as managers of our organization. Through the workshops, participants deepened their understanding of the need for companies to develop solutions for environmental and social issues through their business activities while fulfilling their responsibility to respect human rights.