
An EB (Electricity Board) Metering Panel is an electrical enclosure designed for monitoring and recording electricity usage, primarily for industrial, commercial, and large residential buildings. It houses energy meters, circuit breakers, and other metering devices that help in measuring the consumption of electricity. The purpose of an EB metering panel is to ensure accurate tracking of power usage, facilitate billing, and monitor electrical loads.

  • Energy Meter: Measures electricity consumption for accurate billing and monitoring.
  • Incoming Power Connection: Main entry point for electricity from the grid, distributing power to various circuits.
  • Protective Devices (MCBs/SFUs): Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) or Switch Fuse Units (SFUs) for protection against overloads and short circuits.
  • Neutral and Earth Busbars: Provides grounding and protects against electrical hazards.
  • Current Transformers (CTs): Measures high currents by stepping them down to safe levels for accurate metering (optional for large systems).
  • Changeover Switch (COS): Allows switching between two power sources (e.g., grid and backup generator) to ensure continuous power supply.
  • Surge Protection: Protects equipment from electrical surges or spikes, enhancing safety and preventing damage.
  • Indicator Lamps: Shows the operational status of the electrical system for easy monitoring.
  • Load Monitoring (Optional): Monitors and manages power distribution across various circuits or areas for load balancing and efficient power use.

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Product Details
Brand: GEESYS Type:EB Meter Panel BoardsEB Meter Panel Board
Series: String Shield Dispatch: Between 10-15 Days
Model: VD520101 Price: INR 25000/-*

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