Our Commitment

We are committed to a high standard of integrity which is expected of every employee and in every country where we do business. With hard work and a clear commitment from GEESYS's top management at headquarters and across our regions and businesses, GEESYS has seen the positive impact that a robust compliance and integrity program and a strong culture of integrity can have on the long-term success and sustainability of our company.
Integrity is a top priority at GEESYS
We have developed and implemented a systematic approach designed to prevent, detect, and resolve any potential integrity concerns. This is supported by tools and processes and a zero tolerance policy for any violations. Our integrity program has created an environment where all of our employees can be open about identifying risks, asking questions, and raising concerns
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Trust is built through transparency & honesty.To be successful,we must build each stakeholder's trust through the integrity of our words and our actions.
Awards and Certification
External Recognition
GEESYS has been repeatedly recognized for demonstrated leadership in ethical business practices,including compliance certifications
More About our Commitment
Integrity leadership involves every dimension at GEESYS
At GEESYS, integrity begins with leadership, responsibility and accountability. The tone from the top is clear: we are committed to integrity and we walk away from non-compliant business. Recurring integrity messages from our CEO and other senior leaders in videos, articles and letters, serve to reinforce our commitment to doing business without breaking the rules. But integrity leadership does not stop at the top. Our integrity program relies on local management to lead by example. All local business unit managers have to regularly lead discussions about integrity issues to ensure that the ethics message comes from the same person that sets the business targets: integrity is the business of the business.
With support from top leadership, local leadership, committed integrity resources, and partner resources (like Human Resources and Sustainability Affairs) throughout the company, we are able to foster a strong and sincere culture of integrity.
Top leadership
Board of Directors
Board's Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee
Executive Committee – Business Presidents
General Counsel
Integrity resources
Chief Integrity Officer
Integrity Committee
Legal and Integrity
Anti Trust
Business Head of Legal & Integrity
Partner resources
Human resources
Corporate Communications
Sustainability Affairs
Quality and Supply Chain Operational Excellence
Finance and Internal Controls
Internal Audits
GEESYS prohibits bribery in all forms, whether direct or indirect, no matter what the amount, and employees are expected to act with the highest standards of integrity in all business dealings. Our integrity policies reflect the importance of individual accountability, oversight, integrity leadership, and transparency. Among these policies are the prohibition on paying facilitation payments, a rigorous zero-tolerance policy against any involvement in bribery or corruption, robust policies on gifts, entertainment and expenses, charitable contributions and representatives, and measures to ensure ethical supply chains.
GEESYS strives to achieve the highest standards of ethical behavior, and does so by fighting and countering bribery in all countries where we do business.